TOP-10 Angular Interview Questions For Advanced Programmers
AngularJS is a Google-based platform for interactive web applications. If you are an excellent programmer searching for a job related to AngularJS, you have to prepare a few interview questions related to AngularJS. Read this article to know about the top-10 AngularJS interview questions for advanced programmers.
1. Define Transclusion in Angular.
Ans: The Angular transclusion causes the original children from a directive to be moved to a specific position inside a new prototype.
The ng directive shows the transcluded domain entry point of transclusion from the closest parent directive. The key usage for the transclusion is to use attribute directives like ng-transclude or ng-transclude-slot.
2. How to perform Animation in Angular?
Ans: You have to use a unique angular library known as the Animate library to execute animation in an angular program.
Link to the ngAnimate module for your application or add ngAnimate as a requirement for your application module.
Syntax: <script src = ""> </script>
<body ng-app = "ngAnimate">
3. Illustrate the difference between a link and compile in Angular.
Compile: The Compile Function can be used to design the management of DOMs and capture all directives.
Link: The link function can be used to authenticate DOM listeners and the instance of multiple configurations.
4. Explain about REST in Angular.
Ans: REST is described as Representational State Transfer. REST is an application program interface operating on the HTTP application. The required address specifies the data to be used.
5. Define SPA in AngularJS.
Ans: SPA stands for Single Page Applications. These are static pages that start a single HTML page and refresh it later as the device navigates on communicating with the program.
It doesn't mean that such a complex activity affects the server. SPA requires AJAX and HTML to develop interactive web applications.
6. Mention the difference between pure and impure pipes.
Ans: Pure pipe understands the modifications in the pipe markings or specifications. For instance, changes made to source values such as string, integer, boolean, list, method, and object reference.
Impure pipe senses all expression changes, be it parameters or values, and tracks mouse and keystroke adjustments.
7. Describe Dependency Injection.
Ans: Dependency injection is a useful feature for the program architecture. Angular will have its DI architecture, widely used for the design and configuration of angular applications. It is a process or entity that a class has to operate.
8. What is Bootstrapping in Angular?
Ans: Bootstrapping in Angular is essentially the setup or beginning of the angular program. Angular provides two different types of Bootstrapping, such as Automatic and Manual Bootstrapping.
9. Mention the difference between a provider, service, and a factory.
- Provider: A provider is a process by which a component of the program can be transferred to the app. config.
- Service: A service is a way to build a service implemented using the 'new' keyword.
- Factory: This is a framework used for service formation and initialization. In this case, you can create an object, apply properties to it, and then return it with the same item and enter your controller into the factory system.
10. What is the Data Binding in Angular? Mention the different types of Data Binding.
Ans: Data Binding is a dominant and influential function for creating applications in any language. It enables us to exhibit interaction between the view and the element. The various types of data binding include:
- Event binding
- Property binding
- Two-way binding
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